6 Steps to a Great Steak

6 Steps to a Great Steak

Food is a passion I’ve had for years and I want to share some tips, secrets and recipes I’ve learned that I think you’ll enjoy.  I formerly owned a restaurant called Mudd’s Good Eatin’ and have experience in other venues and concepts, all involving food.  I think the key to all cooking is to have fun and try new things!

One of the favorites at Mudd’s were the steaks– which I’ve cooked several ways: grilled, grilled over wood, flat grill seared (think Blackstone type grill) and cast iron pan seared.  No matter how you cook the meat there are several things that are key to enjoying a great steak.

6 Steps to a Great Steak


Buy a USDA Choice or Prime cut of meat that you enjoy – these are higher quality with more intramuscular fat and well worth the extra price. Kobe and Wagyu are excellent as they usually have higher fat content (marbling) leading to a greater flavor, but they are more expensive so plan to open up the wallet for these. I prefer ribeyes, but there are several other great cuts to choose from: 

  • Filet (Tenderloin)
  • New York Strip
  • Porterhouse
  • T-Bone
  • Flat Iron Steak
  • Skirt Steak
  • Sirloin
  • Tri-Tip


Let your steak come to room temperature before cooking, about 30 minutes.


Grill at 500 degrees or hotter in order to sear the outside and help retain juices and flavor.  


Season with what you love!  I personally like to season and coat while cooking with clarified butter; it has a higher smoke point and the flavor is excellent.


I like steak medium rare to medium but it is your steak so cook it how you like it.  Do know that above medium all steak does lose the moisture content and flavor the longer it is on the heat.


Once finished allow the steak to rest for at least 5 minutes before cutting.  This rest allows the meat cells to reabsorb moisture that was forced out by the heat of cooking.  This rest will give you a juicier and more flavorful steak.